I questioned if grad school at UTA was really for me right now, and now I know in my heart that this is the right time for this new step. My mind is aware of all the changes, and even though I'm tired during the five-week courses all the time, it's so worth it when I look back on my one week off!
My next issue in my last post about trusting God was about my life. I think you know what I mean. Those questions from friends (not usually family) about where my life is headed. Even this week I've had so many "I have the perfect guy for you" or "Can I set you up?" situations. These days it's not that I don't to meet anyone, but like my best friend and I said to each other... It'll happen when it happens. I feel like God will take care of it and perfectly do it for me.
I'm not opposed to these friends setting me up, but I have a long list of must haves ;). I'm not being that girl-- it's mostly God-related topics that I can't waver on... This time. My past relationships have not been God-driven from the beginning, so they were bound to fail. This time it won't fail because I won't be indulging something just to be "in a relationship on Facebook" or in general. I have found recently that I took to many opinions of friends and acquaintances in my past relationships wayyyyy too much.
One of my pastors always says that a relationship has two people in it. He didn't marry his wife, so she could go out and tell all of her friends all of their personal husband and wife business. I think of it like that --- I was getting too much advice from people that weren't my parents or other couples I look up to for God-based advice.
I need to make sure that this time around-- that is what happens. That's it.
I will leave you with Sam Hunt's "Take Your Time" lyrics. I love this song-- not as much the bar scene that they are in, but just the words, "I don't wanna take your heart. I just wanna take your time". It's perfectly said how in the beginning a lot of people fall in love and jump into bed together. Take your time and get to know each other. Listen to the other person and LEARN about them. That is the teacher coming out I'm sure, but I want to learn about my partner in life before I "fall in love" with them. If we have nothing in common and he's into killing people and hates teachers.. We may not be the right match! Hahaa! Didn't expect that? Did Ya?
Thanks for reading :)
Blabbermouth :)
P.s. I never stop talking or blogging how I talk. If it pops into my brain, it'll probably be written down.
P.p.s. I have started eating better and biking again... Wish me luck! I need to get back to making time for some exercise with all the crazy business in my life right now! God-family-school-exercise. Haha.