Sunday, October 10, 2010

No game...

This weekend we did not have a game in town so what was I to do??? Thurday night I had a fun time with the girls at KDK's house... (pics 2&3) they are awesome. For the rest of this weekend I have bought a few things (jeans, food, bath rug.. the usual) and tried to do homeworkkkkkk!!

It may not have been one of those wkends that makes you smile so much you can't even explain but I got things done and am happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) -Blabbermouth!

(BTW sooo excited that today is 10-10-10)!!!

-Also I just realized that I never shared a picture of the roomies and I... (Pic 1)

Last weekend I rode with my family to see GRANNIE.(pic 3) She lives in east Texas so my mom and dad picked me up in CS on the way. Ashley & Brad came with them so it was a fun little trip. Little sister K was nerding it up at her STARS event so she was unable to make it.

Anyway, while we were there the bday boy JT (pic 1) came along with Bek and Aunt C. It's always fun when we all get together and especially fun for JT since he was turning 8 years young!! Grannie's lake in front of the house was sooooo dry. I posted a picture to prove how crazzzy dry it really was... I think they are working on the dam or something???(pic 2)
Well we had a great time and rode around on the 6wheeler, took trips walking on the pier, and just spent a lovely weekend with Grannie. She is my favorite person in the entire world. Let me know if you go visit East Texas real soon everyone. -Blabbermouth