Monday, December 1, 2014


My next blog post should be about being thankful. Thanksgiving is over, and we are  moving on to Christmas In a hurry! I never want to forget about Thanksgiving. I find that every now and then I'm sad at this time of year. I think about family that we have lost and things like that. BUT THEN I remember that they are in a better place, and I need to be thankful for the ones that are left. I love my family and friends that are like family more than they know. It's like being with my family is unbelievable sometimes. We are so close that it's scary thinking about adding someone to the mix. As I sat with my cousin, April this weekend/Holiday before my sisters arrived, I felt déjàvu A TON! It's like we do the same things a lot of the time through the holidays, but every year there is someone added or a little change. This year my older sister is pregnant along with some of our family and friends. It's weird to think that every holiday will be different from the time on. There will be extra spouses and babies and more. When I get married I will try my hardest to not be selfish, but I know I'll be sad not being around for every holiday with my family. 

Well that was depressing to even think about... Huh? 
Back to being thankful. :). I'm glad to have the best (biased) people in my life and am excited for future additions.. I think! 


Mondays got me like

Today is your day, your chance! This is the life you were meant to live. Okay.. That was a little much for a Monday, but I really should tell myself this stuff every Monday morning. They are always the hardest days for me to get out of bed. It's okay. I mean, I know I have a purpose and all that on Mondays, but I must admit I'm not the nicest I could always be. Today, my prayer is that I'm way TOO kind this week. I want people to say, "What has gotten into her?"  Jesus is what should be exalted through me every chance I get. It's okay if you don't agree.. You're lame, but it's alright ;). Only joking!  My hope for this week is to be the best I can be. I'm tired of stalking people that don't want to be friends with me or going out of my way to show my love to people that obviously could care less. That's just the way it has to be. I can't make people be friends with me or more than that. I'm going to accept that God has my back and that's awesome :). 
