Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year

There are so many things I want to accomplish in 2017 •is what everyone says• but really... I want to make some positive changes or applications in my life.
Recently, my pastor had a message about doing more than your motivation and inspiration and turning those into applications. It really stuck with me. Last year at this time, I lost weight , I read my bible more, I stuck it out in my graduate program at UTA (and graduated in JUNE) and I cared more about sleeping and getting up early. These are things I am still passionate about, but I want to apply even more positivity into my life! 
It takes awhile to make healthy changes that will •stick•, but that is what I want to do. #makeitstick
#healthymind #healthybody #healthysoul
I haven't always done the right things or said the right things or even said things in the •kindest• way, but 2017 will be a year full of happiness, peace, love and JOY! #receiveit 
I want to wish everyone a HAPPY •new• YEAR, and I hope you can apply and accomplish all of your new goals you want to achieve.

xoxo, Blabbermouth