Sunday, January 31, 2010
Hello to ALL!
So everything is going well. I have made many new friends this year already YAY!! One girl who is really cool is Kristine.. she is from around El Campo(where I am originally from) so that's neat. I am taking EDCI(education class), Music, Anthropology, and a Math class. I am loving the EDCI class because I have a friend in there and also because we have fun. It's for teachers and it is all about learning about art/activities. A bunch of the classes I have been to so far have been about us making art.. which was awesome. I have made a bunny and a park scene out of unique materials. I know now more than ever that I CAN'T wait to be a teacher :). The music class seems like it is going to be fun and he gives us lotsss of extra credit opportunities.. Aways GREAT! The Anth class is online so I am not really sure about that yet.. just know that I have to stay on top of it all! The math class will probably be my class that I really have to work really hard at. We have homework due all the time.. which for me is prolly good so that I won't forget things before the tests. The first day I was already having a little trouble with the class because the teacher said NO CALCULATORS.. my least favorite 2 WORDS!! haha. Oh yeah I forgot to talk about my interview for a Children's Center (pretty much a daycare). It went so well so maybe I will have a job soon. I am so excited about that and about Spirit & Truth conference coming up in El Campo, TX at my hometown church.. Bible Truth Church! :) Well be safe and as always Love ya!! -Brit*
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Back in C.S.!!
I am back in College Station & school is starting tomorrow, Tuesday, January 19, 2010! I am already loving all the excitement of being back and getting all my things together. I arrived here on Friday and re-did my room and hung up new frames and all that. I am already missing my friends and family but have been doing a lot of fun things. Yesterday I went outlet shopping with Jeff and had such a fun time buying things. I also watched a movie with Kalyn and Megan and had a great time spending the night! I was so happy to see my two room mates, Rachel & Krystal :)! They are both very sweet and great girls. Rachel is a junior and Krystal is a freshman and I am (as you know) a sophomore so it works out Wonderfulllllly! More to come and Peace Out!!
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